Your Passport will not be Stmaped for Travelling Iran

Saman Khodaparast

11 April 2018

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Your Passport will not be Stmaped for Travelling Iran

Acoording to the Government, In order to Fascilitate traveling to iran due to Political issues, your Passport will not be Stamped at the entrance of gate to Iran. So people from all over the world, the can fly through a proxy Country like Turkey or Oman, And with an Iranian Airline travel to Iran without being exposed by any political issue. But you also check you Passport, it may have a small GPS inside it! 🙂

But anyhow, at all of the Entrance gates to iran (at the airport or anywhere else), your Visa will be Stamped not your passport. Due to the Invitation of the Supreme Leader of Iran to all of the people in the world- And to visit the Real Iran, in order to judge this moralistic modern society through your own Eyes and Ears not your Media- No One Needs a visa to be in your passport for visiting Iran. You can easily fly to Iran and using Visa On Arrival System (VOA) or Airport Visa, Your visa will be printed and given to you.

So you need nothing to travel to Iran. Just fly over. 🙂

Traveling Iran may sound weird, But so many europeans travel iran and every year select an iran tour, that nobody believes.

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